Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lush Skincare Review

Recently I've become obsessed with everything Lush, so here I'll be reviewing Lush products and also MAC and other makeup products.

My rating system:
5/5 - Amazing, can't live without!
4/5- Would definitely buy again but not the most amazing product
3/5 - Not bad, maybe I would buy again
2/5 - Not the greatest
1/5 - I hate it! Wouldn't use again

For my first review ill start with some products from Lush's skincare line.

For reference I have normal but somewhat sensitive and acne-prone skin.

Angels on Bare Skin Cleanser
Rating: 4/5

I've been using Angels on Bare Skin for about four months now and I've found it to be a great, basic morning cleanser. I love the herbal smell. The exfoliating almonds are gentle enough for everyday use and the oils in the cleanser make it somewhat moisturizing as well. I know a lot of people are worried about how all the oils in Angels on Bare Skin will affect acne, but I've found that while this cleanser doesn't really help clear my spots it also doesn't make my breakouts worse. I use Angels on Bare Skin almost every morning and it leaves my skin bright and soft. I only wish it would help with the few spots I do have.

Ultra Bland Cleanser
Rating: 5/5

I cannot tell you enough how much I love using Ultra Bland to remove make up. It works so well and gets my makeup off better than any other makeup remover I've used. Although it is an oil based cleanser it hasn't made me break out at all. It also is very gentle on skin so you don't have to rub a whole lot to get your makeup off. I just apply a small amount to dry skin, rub it around until my entire face is covered, and then use warm water and a wash cloth to get it offmy face. After cleansing with Ultra Bland I spray Tea Tree Toner on a cotton ball and wipe my face to get rid of any left over cleanser or make up. It really leaves my skin soft and gets most of my make up off except some of my mascara.

Dark Angels Cleanser
Rating: 4/5

This cleaner is kind of like a mix betweem Angels on Bare Skin and Coalface, its more exfoliating than Angels on Bare Skin but not as drying as Coalface. When I use Dark Angels once or twice a week I find that it helps to clear my breakouts. Dark Angels is very dark and messy so I only use it before I get into the shower so that I don't get black water spots and cleanser all over my bathroom. This cleanser is very exfoliating but when I use it once or twice a week it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin at all.

Ocean Salt
Rating: 3/5

I think that Ocean Salt is just okay as a face cleanser. For me its a little too abrasive and it always seems to sting my skin. It also doesn't really clear my breakouts or whiteheads and I think sometimes it might actually cause me to break out. I do really love the margarita type smell and occasionally use it as a body exfoliator and it works pretty well.


Rating: 2/5

Coalface really didn't do anything for my skin. Its easier to use than Lush's other cleansers because its in a bar soap foam and it lathers nicely. However, it didn't smell very good and was a little drying.

Tea Tree Toner

Rating: 2/5
For a while I really liked this because it helped get leftover cleanser and dirt off of my skin and didn't burn like other toners. But I recently realized that this was really drying and was the cause of the breakouts on my chin. So next I think I'm going to try Eau Roma Water Toner.

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